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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

 First time use Msia coupon! 60cent ringgit only.. so cheap...

 I dont care i must make it grow! After countless of dying chillis .. I spot him talking to the bonsai. = =
Dear: Are you happy living in Ikea?
         You come to this house must be careful..
         Heard that till now there's no history of survivors at all.
 Marvellous dumpling and deserts! omg!
 Nice diaso curry..
Thanks dear for these! Likes!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

 Vday dinner @ Gyu ku. Best memory for grill dinner. keke. Marvellous food with excellent service. Nothing bad to comment about this restaurant. Money worth spending!
1. Meat super succulent!
2. Apron provided to avoid smelly clothes!
3. Chopstick drop, attentive server also realise!
4. Very nice bimbimbab!
5. Price also very attractive!
6. Quite peaceful ambience and atmosphere compared to other grilled shop. Usually noisy and messy.
7. 90% servers are jap girls! ^^
8. Friendly gao siao!
9. Server put down his chores and dash to open door for us to leave! And offer candies!
10. I hereby summon u as my ''lao di fang''!

 He says multiple colours suits me. = =
 Finally perfect pandan cake made for Ah um! I can see she likes it very much, coz  i see her munching it at any time of the day!
CNY feast! how to resists? But! i lost weight in this cny! Secret to this is,!  knew there would be lotsa good food, therefore i ate only 2 meals per day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

F.I.R - 向日葵盛開的夏天

踏在青色柏油路 忘记走习惯的路
害怕了吗 想念你啊
伤感的字 乱了理智 无法掩饰

感谢你陪伴我 走过了每一步
花终究会凋落 没办法再呵护
这真的是一段 很难熬的路
触碰感情深处 我才读懂幸福

F.I.R.讓愛重生 完整版MV -華納official HQ官方版MV

不想哭 却又哭出声
不想听 传来心破碎声
不应该 让眼泪继续拉扯
答应过的 会好好的

这一次 决定放手了
这一次 我们终於懂了
爱到用尽全力 都是挫折
我想留的 留不住了 幻灭后该怎么抉择

分开的故事 写满了不舍
说过的爱情 没有你怎么完成
明天的故事 收藏好心疼
爱过的恋人 展开各自的旅程

一个人 让爱重生

经过多少波折 背负沉重苛责

Thursday, February 7, 2013


my notti scumbag