Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Birthday!

Thanks all of ya for planning this birthday pre celebration for me! I wana thank TT & Ling for rushing down from work & Ling's hubby for coming tho he just recovered from fever. Thank kiwi's mommy for preparing the jelly early in the morning. & last but not least.. this person i wana thank(purposely don't wana mention much hahaha!) The newspaper background so nice ya! Artistic in a way.. The fun part was popping the champagne, Ling keep kpkb say i point the champagne anywhere. lol. Dangerous shooter =x . NExt time i wana pop 10 bottles! 2 bottles ain't enough lei.. Playing the heart attack was so funny. TT joker again. So slow till half the cards all in his hand. hahahha! end up he game coz he had so many choices on hand!
In these recent gatherings with the East peers & BP peers, i realised i'v found treasures. Moments i'v never been able to capture in the past. The bond is so strong & I'm lovin' it(kfc) ahhahhaha! This is all i need, nothing else. I love ya all! Sometimes, its not the place, not the programmes we planned, nor the gifts that matters, its the moments we shared. Every inch of my smiles measures how much i enjoyed every moment we shared.

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